Thursday 5 March 2020

We have been going swimming, learning water skills that will help us to be safe in the water!

Nice AJ!

Ready, set .............

This is serious work, getting our technique right!

Good work Sia!

Nearly there Persayus!

Keep that back nice and straight, arms above your head!

Well Done William!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Room 26, thank you for sharing all your great learning in swimming. We love all your pictures.

    " I am William from Ruma Piwakawaka and I like the way your William is trying really hard with learning to swim."
    "I am Harmoni and sometimes I get scared when I have to put my head back and float on my back"
    "I am Emile and I am wondering if you have your own pool too? "
    "Hi I am Isaiah, I have been learning to use soft ankles and straighter legs when kicking.
    "Hi I am Jay-lee and we have a pool at Hokitika Primary too"
    Keep up the good work.
